The University of Wisconsin System strives to follow sustainable principles, practices and values.

Here are some tips to help you travel sustainably:

  1. Consider if the trip is essential, or if the trip can be done virtually. Limiting unnecessary trips is the best way to eliminate the carbon footprint that you leave.
  2. While typically airfare is the most logical method of transportation for a route over 400 miles – if your schedule allows, consider using rail. Rail generally is the most cost-effective as well as a more carbon-friendly option.
  3. If driving, choose an electronic vehicle, hybrid, or small model car that can significantly cut down carbon emissions. Our contracted partner, Enterprise, offers these vehicles for rental.
  4. When possible, walk or bike instead of using a cab. Utilize rideshare with other passengers.
  5. Use Public Transportation such as a bus or train.
  6. Pitch the plastics! Instead of spending money on bottles of water and straws, bring reusable ones. Nearly every airport and hotel has free water stations for you to fill up quickly.
  7. Eat plant-based foods and avoid dairy products when possible. According to the EPA, agriculture accounts for 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, skipping meat has a massive positive impact on sustainability.
  8. Buy local and fair-trade items when possible and bring a reusable bag for your shopping trips.
  9. Learn more about the UW’s Sustainability Goals