Conference Travel

Travel to the Conference When Flying by Air

  • Airfare must be booked either in Concur or with a Fox World Travel agent.
    • General Guidance:
      • Arrival on the day prior to the event, and departure on the day after the conference is acceptable.
      • For international travel, arrival up to 2 days prior to the conference and departure 1 day after the conference is acceptable.
      • Campus supervisors have ultimate authority on arrival and departure times based on the business purpose and traveler’s responsibilities (Policy Reference).
  • When pre or post conference business is scheduled, the traveler must include the business purpose and any other required documentation on the expense report to justify any different arrival or departure times that vary from the original business travel dates.

Lodging Options

  • Lodging reservations for externally hosted conference may be made either directly with the designated conference hotel using the conference’s designated rate, with the University’s contracted travel agency, or in the online booking tool.
  • Per UW Policy 415, When the traveler elects to book and stay at the conference designated hotel, the traveler will be reimbursed the actual cost for staying at a conference-site or designated hotel(s), even when the nightly rate exceeds the location maximum. Include the conference documentation in your expense report as justification if the rate exceeds the nightly maximum.
  • If the traveler opts to stay at a non-conference designated hotel, the rate maximum then applies and travelers will not be reimbursed above the rate maximum. Use the rate calculator to determine the rate maximum.

Expense Documentation


  • Prior to travel, discuss anticipated expenses with your supervisor or departmental business contact to ensure budgetary compliance.
  • If additional days of travel are added before or after conference, ensure that a cost comparison from Concur is included to prove that the University did not incur any additional expenses.
Allowable Reimbursement
Documentation Requirement (attach to the Expense Report)
Meal Per Diem

  • Deductions for any provided conference meals as noted in the conference agenda.
Conference Agenda (including provided meals), Program or other Supporting Documents as provided by the Conference Organizers
Rental Car

  • Must be Enterprise/National/Hertz. If no rentals available with those vendors, state in justification that another vendor was used due to lack of vehicles at preferred vendor.
  • Standard Economy Vehicle is preferred
  • *Pre-Paid Fuel Option/Satellite Radio/other extras are *not reimbursable*
Rental Car Receipt
Gas for Rental Car Receipt from Gas Station
Airfare Invoice from Designated Agency (Fox World Travel or Shorts Travel)
Lodging Invoice from Lodging Establishment

  • If rate is over the lodging maximum due to staying at the conference hotel, ensure the name of the conference hotel matches that which is in the conference material.

  • Typically used if no rental car was obtained, and to get from airport to conference site.
  • May not claim costs to/from restaurants or other entertainment during the conference.
  • If under $25, no receipt required. Otherwise, receipt required.
Mileage to and from airport *Some campuses may require a google map outlining the route and mileage, check with your department business representative
Parking at Airport  Parking Receipt
Baggage No receipt Required if Under $30