Today, President Obama gave a major speech at the University of Buffalo on his plan to make college more affordable for middle-class American families.

“We are very pleased that the President of the United States recognizes the innovative work being done with respect to the University of Wisconsin System’s new UW Flexible Option.

“Innovative efforts like this make college not only more affordable, but also more accessible for working adults who need to advance their credentials or complete their degrees while meeting work and family obligations. With quality assured by UW faculty, these programs will serve citizens well and strengthen our workforce.

“The UW Flexible Option, and the practice of awarding credit for prior learning, are just some of the many ways that UW colleges and universities are working to help students enter or re-enter college more easily, and complete their degrees more efficiently,” said UW System President Kevin P. Reilly.

Media Contact

David Giroux UW System (608) 262-4464