The Governor’s errata makes a number of welcome corrections to his budget proposal, including several key aspects of the public authority proposal and the preservation of the Wisconsin Idea. We appreciate his willingness to address these items.
We are working with the legislature in a new spirit of openness, dialogue, and partnership to reduce the proposed UW System budget cut and to approve a package of transformative operational flexibilities that will lead to greater efficiency and savings. We are confident this same spirit will also help us as we examine and address a CPI-based tuition cap proposed in the Governor’s errata.
Many legislators and stakeholders agree that this kind of price control is not compatible with the agile, market-driven, and competitive entity the state needs us to be.
We all agree that Wisconsin residents deserve a rational, transparent, and affordable tuition-setting policy based on actual costs, competitive markets, the needs of the state, and affordability. The UW System should be just as responsive and nimble as our peers and competitors when it comes to setting tuition, and we look forward to working with legislators to reach that goal.