UW-Oshkosh’s 26th annual Celebration of Scholarship event in April included oral and poster presentations, art exhibits, and performances, which help students hone invaluable skills that contribute to their personal and professional development.
Student researchers at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh shared their artistic creations, content analyzes, scientific and social experiments, simulations and syntheses at the 26th-annual Celebration of Scholarship in April.
The event, which included oral and poster presentations, art exhibits and performances, was held at Reeve Memorial Union, and was followed by the Provost’s Awards Reception.
Among the more than 120 students involved in showcasing their scholarly and creative efforts, a few tackled more than one presentation.
Geography student Brianna Beseler, a junior from Cochrane, presented two research posters: Long-Term Fire History from Bass Lake Northeastern Wisconsin; and Characterizing the Geomorphology of Coastal Montane Streams in Jamaica: Implications of Land Use Change and Increased Hurricane Frequency. Beseler’s faculty mentors are Colin Long and Mark Bowen, respectively.
In the fire history project, Beseler looked at one of the deadliest wildfires in American history—the Peshtigo Fire, which burned 1.2 million acres in northeastern Wisconsin in 1871. She studied a lake sediment core from Bass Lake in Beaver.
Zel Billings, a junior art student from Oshkosh, offered two visual art presentations: Wire Weft: A Study in Cloth and Metal with faculty mentor Allison Welsh; and Wire Woods: Inspiration by the Trees of UWO with faculty mentor Andrew Redington.
The tree project involved researching, developing and refining methods and strategies for artistically modeling various types of trees with wire through a process known as cold-joining. Each piece is modeled after one or more unique aspects of trees here on the UWO campus.
Geology major Nicole Salchert gave two poster presentations: Assessing Petroleum Reservoir Development in the Anadarko Basin with faculty mentor Eric Hiatt; and Characterizing Magma Evolution with Crystal Cargo Chemistry in Basalts of the Southernmost Cascades with faculty mentor Jennifer Werner.
In assessing the petroleum reservoir, Salchert used petrographic analysis to study ancient limestone with multiple generations of calcite and dolomite cement that restrict the rock’s porosity and permeability.
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