Photo of one of the 64 teams of UW-Madison undergraduate biomedical engineering students on display at UW–Madison on Dec. 7 in the atrium of the Engineering Centers Building, 1550 Engineering Drive. The projects in the BME Design Course Presentation run the gamut from assistive devices to analytical tools, from surgical aids to a radiation shield.

The problem-solving abilities of 64 teams of UW-Madison undergraduate biomedical engineering (BME) students were on display at UW–Madison on Dec. 7 in the Engineering Centers Building.

Biomedical engineering undergraduates at UW-Madison work in teams over multiple semesters to solve real-world problems. Students recently showcased their work, including prototypes for bone transplants, post-surgery limb compression, and kidney stone prevention. To help move research from the lab to market, students also practice short pitches to entrepreneurs at the end of their senior year.