New Hire Surveys

Periodic surveys will be sent to new employees to request feedback about their onboarding experience. This valuable insight will be used to improve UWSA’s onboarding program and all new employees are encouraged to participate.

Your First Day and Beyond

We want you to be successful in your career with UWSA. To that end, we’ve designed an onboarding program to assist with new employee acculturation by providing:

  • Learning and connections to build a foundation for all new employees; and
  • Training and experiences customized to your role and job-specific responsibilities

UWSA’s goal is to help all new employees feel welcomed, connected, informed, and supported. If you have any questions, UW System Human Resources is here to help! Contact us at

New Employee Meeting Series

Session Name

Topics & When

New Employee Welcome & Learning 

An overview of organizational information and new employee resources to occur in month one

New Employee Leave Reporting Workshop

An overview of all offered leave programs and how to report leave for payroll purposes to occur in month one

Legal Topics for New Employees 

An overview of legal topics for all new UW employees presented quarterly

New Employee Safety Session

An overview of employee safety, vehicle use, ergonomics, and related presented quarterly

New Employee Travel & Reimbursement Session

An overview of the UWSA travel and reimbursement guidelines to occur in month one

New Employee Session – Public Affairs & Communications

An overview of communication and public relations standards to occur in month one

New Employee Introduction to Internal Audit

An overview of the independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the UW System’s operations offered quarterly

The Universities of Wisconsin Benefits Counseling Team has benefits orientation sessions. Review the Benefits Orientation web page for dates of upcoming sessions. 


The Onboarding Liaison will be identified in your welcome letter and is someone within your department or unit who will be there to answer general questions and provide guidance throughout your onboarding experience. 

The UWSA Ambassador will also be identified in your welcome letter and is another internal connection to provide support and fellowship throughout your onboarding experience. 

Performance Expectations & Check-ins

Plan to meet with your manager to learn more about your role, responsibilities, and performance expectations. As part of UWSA’s performance management philosophy, regular performance check-ins are encouraged between managers and employees during the introductory period and on an ongoing basis. UWSA’s performance period runs the calendar year with a mid-cycle and an annual evaluation.

Mandatory Training

Several training courses are mandated for all UW System employees by the State of Wisconsin, the Board of Regents or the System President. Typically provided online, these courses are assigned to all new employees with a completion deadline. Some training topics are repeated periodically to meet compliance requirements. All UW System employees are expected to be compliant with mandated training as a condition of their employment.

Ethics & Conflicts of Interest Reporting

The UW System sets forth expectations of conduct for all employees. These expectations apply both inside and outside of the workplace. Employees are also required to report conflicts of interest. Additional information is available through Office of Compliance and Integrity Ethics website.