The following contact lists may be helpful to you. These contacts are for benefit administrators only. Direct employees to the applicable customer service telephone numbers.

Health Insurance Plan & Vendor Contacts for Employer Use (ET-1728) – Employer contacts at the health insurance plan carriers, pharmacy benefits manager, dental insurance plan carrier, vision insurance plan carrier, State Group Life Insurance, accident insurance plan carrier, flexible spending accounts, health savings account and Well Wisconsin.

UW System Insurance Plan Contacts pdf – Employer contacts for the following plans: Individual & Family Life Insurance, UW Employees, Inc. Life Insurance, University Insurance Association (UIA) Life Insurance, Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D).

UW System Human Resources Benefits Staff Contacts pdf – Contact information for Universities of Wisconsin Office of Human Resources benefits staff. Email and your question will be routed accordingly.

Universities of Wisconsin Human Resources Contacts – Human Resources contacts at each institution.

Universities of Wisconsin Benefits Contacts  – Benefits contacts at each institution.

Universities of Wisconsin Personnel Directory – Universities of Wisconsin Personnel Directory by institution.

State of WI Employee Telephone and Email Directory

Updated: 11/14/2023