
The provisions of this policy apply to non-degree and degree-seeking students who enroll in UW courses for audit.


This policy establishes the UW System’s fee structure and systemwide standards for auditing UW courses. Class auditing provides participants with the opportunity to attend UW System classes in order to access the information and materials shared in those courses, often for professional development or lifelong learning goals.

Policy Statement

1. Guest Auditors

Guest auditors are non-degree seeking students who enroll in all courses for audit.

  1. The fees for guest auditors are as follows:
    1. Wisconsin Residents under age 60: 30% of the normal per credit academic fee.
    2. Wisconsin Residents age 60 or older: Normal per-credit academic fee waived (as of first day of classes).
    3. Minnesota Reciprocity: 30% of the normal per-credit Minnesota Reciprocity Fee.
    4. Nonresidents: 50% of the normal per credit academic fee.
    5. Audit fees shall be removed for all disabled Wisconsin residents receiving disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI).
    6. Subject to the institution’s nonresident tuition remission authorization, the chancellor may waive the non-resident portion of the per credit charge for nonresidents.
  2. The ability of a person to register as a guest auditor is subject to the understanding that:
    1. there be no additional classroom/laboratory space requirements or increased instructional costs resulting through implementation of this policy;
    2. the auditor obtains approval of the faculty member in charge of the class;
    3. auditors receive only provisional permission to attend classes until course registration is completed at the end of the add/drop period;
    4. institutions shall assess auditors any special costs for course instruction beyond normal tuition charges;
    5. a student who opts to enroll on an auditor basis under this policy may not change to a credit basis during the term of enrollment;
    6. students who later seek credit by university examination for a course that they have audited must be enrolled in the university at the time the examination is taken and are subject to appropriate tuition charge and special course fees;
    7. the University of Wisconsin System’s general policy on the refund of academic fees will apply to audit fees;
    8. each institution may determine whether to extend the option to auditors to pay, or not to pay, segregated fees (depending on whether the individual wants access to segregated fee funded services). If segregated fees are not paid, access for individuals who are auditors-only is limited to the library and non-segregated fee funded activities of the student union. No additional fee shall be charged for such access;
    9. Regent, university and student government regulations applying to students apply equally to audit enrollees;
    10. each institution may determine which credit classes are open to auditors under the terms of this policy.

2. Degree-Seeking Students

Degree-seeking students who wish to audit a course are subject to the academic policies and fee structure of the institution. No academic fee shall be assessed Wisconsin residents age 60 or older for audit-only credits. Subject to the institution’s nonresident tuition remission authorization, the chancellor may waive the nonresident portion of the per-credit charge for nonresidents.

Oversight, Roles, and Responsibilities

Each UW Chancellor is responsible for establishing policies and procedures, consistent with this policy and other UW System Administration policies and guidance, to facilitate participation in class audit opportunities at the institution.

UW System Administration shall establish additional policies and guidance, as needed, to ensure the consistent application of this policy within the UW System, including guidance related to assessing fees and methods for counting the number of class auditors for enrollment statistics and budgeting purposes.

Related Regent Policy Documents and Applicable Laws

  • s. 36.27(1)(b), Wis. Stats., “Tuition”
  • Regent Policy Document 32-1, “Delegation of Authority Regarding Residence Classification”
  • Regent Policy Document 32-2, “Nonresident Tuition Remission Delegated to Chancellors”
  • Regent Policy Document 32-4, “Tuition Structure: 12-18 Credit Plateau”
  • Regent Policy Document 32-6, “Delegation of Authority to Establish Graduate Resident Tuition Remissions”
  • Regent Policy Document 32-8, “Application Fees and Waiver”


History: Res. 5658, adopted 12/07/1990, replaced Regent Policy Documents (RPDs) 73-9, 74-8, 84-1 and 90-7 with RPD 90-9.  Res. 5831, adopted 06/07/1991; Res. 7062, adopted 11/10/1995; and Res. 8218, adopted 09/08/2000, amended RPD 90-9, subsequently renumbered RPD 4-10.  Res. 11801, adopted 02/11/2022, amended RPD 4-10.

See Also:

SYS 805: Tuition and Fee Policies for Credit Instruction (formerly F44)

[UW System Administrative policies are included for reference and are separate from Regent Policy Documents adopted by the Board.]