Links to resolutions adopted in 1991 or earlier are currently unavailable due to a website update. Meeting minutes for this time period can be manually searched at:
The Board of Regents resolutions are a searchable database of Board actions dating to the time of the merger that created the University of Wisconsin System.
Use the text fields and drop-down menus near the top of each column. Text fields are not case sensitive:
- Resolution number: To search by resolution number, type the number. Resolutions are assigned permanent numbers soon after adoption.
- Resolution category: To search by resolution category, select a category from the drop-down menu.
- Resolution description: To search resolution descriptions, type keyword(s). (The full text can be found in the meeting minutes.)
- Affected institution: The UW System institution(s) affected by the resolution are denoted. To search by affected institutions, type the name of the institution without the “UW-” prefix. For example, type “Madison” for UW-Madison, or “Extension” for UW-Extension.
- Adoption date: To search by adoption date, type the date in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, type:
- “2010-02-05” to search for resolutions adopted on February 5, 2010.
- “2010” to search for all resolutions adopted in 2010.
- “-02-” to search for all resolutions adopted in the month of February during any year.
- Meeting Location: To search by meeting location, select a location from the drop-down menu.
- Committee of Origin: To search by committee of origin, select a committee from the drop-down menu. Select “N/A” for resolutions that did not originate in a committee.
To sort results alphabetically or numerically, click on the heading of any column; click again to reverse the order. To change the order in which columns are displayed, click and drag a column header to the left or right.
The database links to the minutes for the meeting during which the resolution was adopted. For resolutions adopted since 1992, the database notes the page number at which the full text of the resolution can be found. Older resolutions link directly to the relevant page. Additional information about a resolution may be included elsewhere in the minutes. (Alternatively, minutes can be found on the Meeting Materials page.)
Click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner of the database to perform more complex searches. Examples:
Search for resolutions affecting multiple institutions
To search for resolutions that affected both UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee:
- Set the search type to “all”
- Use the following filters:
- “Affected Institution” “contains” “Madison”
- “Affected Institution” “contains” “Milwaukee”
Resolutions from more than one committee
To search for resolutions that could have originated in either the Capital Planning and Budget Committee or one of its predecessors:
- Set the search type to “any”
- Use the following filters:
- “Committee of Origin” “contains” “Capital Planning and Budget Committee”
- “Committee of Origin” “contains” “Physical Planning and Development Committee”
- “Committee of Origin” “contains” “Physical Planning and Funding Committee”
Screen out certain keywords
To screen out “interim chancellor” appointments while searching for “chancellor” appointments:
- Set the search type to “all”
- Use the following filters:
- “Resolution Category” “contains” “Personnel Appointments”
- “Resolution Description” “contains” “chancellor”
- “Resolution Description” “does not contain” “interim”