Benefits Surveys

UW System gathered system-wide employee input to better understand the value of our compensation and benefits offerings within the market and identify strategic priorities going forward. Read the summaries of the two benefits surveys:

Employee Benefits Preferences Survey Preliminary Findings

In 2018, over 18,400 employees, out of 38,926 (47%) UW System benefits-eligible employees completed the Employees Benefits Preference Survey. The survey assessed the priorities, needs, and wants of employees related to their benefits. UW System is reviewing the survey data and results. In Fall 2019, the survey results will be made available to employees.

  • Most valued employee benefit at hire: Type of work and healthcare benefits
  • Most valued employee benefit once employed: Pay, healthcare benefits, retirement plans, paid leave, job security and job flexibility
  • The importance of pay (ranked #1) declines with age and the importance of healthcare and retirement increases
  • Sick leave and income protection are of “above average” importance
  • Overall satisfaction levels are generally high regarding benefits. Employee concerns arise in the areas of pay, healthcare costs, and parking