
With the 2017 UW System restructuring, the Board of Regents expressed the intent to preserve the model of statewide outreach and public service that evolved under UW-Extension.* The actions of the Board of Regents, as embraced by Regent Policy 18-1, serves to affirm the importance of statewide outreach and public service as a vital part of the UW System’s mission, one that embodies the Wisconsin Idea by serving the entire State of Wisconsin (hereinafter referred to as “UW statewide outreach and public service”).

The model of statewide outreach and public service in the UW System is one of partnership, with four divisions of the former UW-Extension historically responsible for coordination and implementation of specific statewide outreach and public service activities. Two of these divisions transferred to UW-Madison: Cooperative Extension (having become UW-Madison Extension) and Broadcast and Media Innovations (having become Wisconsin Public Media). The other two divisions have UW System as their administrative home: CEOEL (having become UW Extended Campus) and Business & Entrepreneurship (having become the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship). These four entities are hereinafter referred to as the “statewide outreach entities.”** System Policy 125 (SYS 125), Maintaining Continuity of Extension, Statewide Outreach and Public Service Following the 2017 University of Wisconsin System Restructure, defines the ongoing responsibilities, functions, and authorities of these statewide outreach entities consistent with the directive of the Board of Regents, and subject to the oversight of their respective administrative homes. Further, and as is the case within SYS 125, this document primarily refers to the three statewide outreach entities (UW-Madison Extension, the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship, and UW Extended Campus) that manage and allocate to other campuses the state funds dedicated to UW statewide outreach and public service (i.e., “104 Funds”).

*Resolution 10956: Approval of Restructuring of UW Colleges and UW-Extension. This resolution was amended by Resolution 10961: Amendment of Resolution 10956, “Approval of Restructuring of UW Colleges and UW-Extension”.

**This nomenclature represents an important affirmation of the role legislatively ascribed to “Extension” when it was embodied in the separate institution, UW-Extension. “Extension” as activity (as opposed to the institution) meant “the community outreach, public service and extensions services of the system” (36.05(7) Wis. Stats). Extension-type activity is a component of every campus’s outreach, but statewide coordination and oversight of UW statewide outreach and public service per se, as provided by the former UW-Extension remains vital. To this end, identification and recognition of the “statewide outreach entities” and their now domain-specific authority over UW statewide outreach and public service (as defined in SYS 125) as well as the role they play following the 2017 restructuring of the UW System, preserves the character of “extension” as recognized in 36.05(7) as previously implemented through UW-Extension.

Guidelines to Identify UW Statewide Outreach and Public Service Programs and Activities

The policies and guidelines in this document recognize that UW statewide outreach and public service is a shared responsibility that is enacted by the partnership model defined in SYS 125. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to accurately identify partner contributions to UW statewide outreach and public service. A few important guideline parameters should be specified:

 A.  SYS 125 defines a distinction between UW statewide outreach and public service activities, per se, that are overseen, and coordinated by the statewide outreach entities; and those activities in which each campus engages out in the state, but that are supported by that individual campus. These activities are defined, respectively, as Category 1 and Category 2 activities in SYS 125. The Category 1 and Category 2 definitional paragraphs from SYS 125 are repeated below:

There are two basic forms of outreach activities and public service. Category 1 encompasses those activities which are part of each statewide outreach entity’s IIA, respectively including county-based extension activity, credit and noncredit activity, and activity related to small
business development and entrepreneurship. Category 2 activities fall outside of the IIA because of budgetary or programmatic factors, and because they are not supported by other resources such as market analysis and other research from the three statewide outreach entities. Category 2 activities are under the purview of each UW campus. The three statewide outreach entities are, however, assigned reporting responsibility by the UW System for these activities in the areas of coordination and mission compatibility.

Category 1 – The three statewide outreach entities have responsibility to direct the planning, coordination, and oversight of their respective outreach and public service programs and activities for which resources are allocated to them by UW System (the currently called “Fund 104” resources). Each
of the three statewide outreach entities exercise budgetary control over their resources through IIAs, which codify agreements reached between individual UW campuses and the three statewide outreach entities, and which should include mutually agreed programming, annual allocations, market and other research to support said programming. Each of the three statewide outreach entities retain final authority and control over their respective FTE and 104 dollars. Each campus must use the allocated 104 funds and FTE for their intended purpose, as specified in the IIA; these FTE and dollars are specifically not a “pass through” from the state through the three statewide outreach entities and to each UW campus.

Category 2 – For non-104-supported programs and activities out in the state but supported by UW campuses and under that campus’s purview, each of the three statewide outreach entities is assigned by the UW System reporting responsibility only to promote coordination and mission compatibility. The UW campuses retain final authority and responsibility over the FTE and dollars associated with these non-104-funded programs and activities.

The remainder of this document, System Policy 127, provides guidance solely for the identification of programs and activities in Category 1.

B.  With the dissolution of UW-Extension, the term “Extension” itself changes meaning within the state of Wisconsin. When UW-Extension existed, “Extension” referred to UW-Extension and activities of all divisions within that institution. After the 2017 restructure, “Extension” can refer as shorthand for the UW-Madison Division of Extension (i.e., Cooperative Extension) and its activities.

C.  Individual statewide entities may have their own additional requirements to identify programs, such as those required by private donors, grants, or other requirements when using external funds. Additionally, since only UW-Madison Extension employs faculty, how those faculty identify themselves and their activity is an internal matter for UW-Madison to determine.

Identification of Institutional Affiliation with UW Statewide Outreach and Public Service

Both the UW Institution and the individual statewide outreach entity will be publicly identified with the programs, departments/units, and faculty/staff involved in the UW statewide outreach and public service function as identified in the Interinstitutional Agreements (IIA), whether the program is sponsored primarily by the institution or primarily by the statewide outreach entity.

The standard identifier for publicly identifying this institutional affiliation will be: “UW Institution/statewide outreach entity,” “statewide outreach entity at UW-Institution” or “UW-Institution and statewide outreach entity.”

Both cooperating institutions will be prominently identified in similar type size and location on brochures, catalogs, publications, press and promotional materials for UW institutional units and programs. Likewise, the UW statewide outreach and public service programs employing the resources of other UW institution(s) will identify those institution(s).

In addition to the standard identifier, other statements may be added to these materials. For example: ”UW-Institution [statewide outreach entity] — working together to fulfill the Wisconsin Idea.” ”UW-Institution and [statewide outreach entity]— partners in the Wisconsin Idea.” ”UW-Institution and [statewide outreach entity] — bringing the resources of the University to the people of Wisconsin. ”The phrase “Funded in part by funds administered through [statewide outreach entity]” or variations thereof are not acceptable as either the primary identifier or additional statement.

Identification of Institutional UW Statewide Outreach and Public Service Programs

To maintain a clear, consistent, and uniform identity and support for the UW institution and the UW statewide outreach and public service function, the name of the statewide outreach entity will be used to identify programs and activities funded through IIAs between each UW institution and the statewide outreach entity.

While the primary identifier will go to the sponsoring UW institution, programs will be clearly identified with the statewide outreach entity’s name in news releases, publications, reports, and introductions. Because news media will not use an unlimited number of designations for multiple cooperating institutions and departments, the easiest way to identify Category 1 statewide outreach programs is to designate all partners on the press release letterhead.

The following examples are offered to illustrate how Category 1 programs can be identified:

“This Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship small business program at UW-Stout will feature …”

“An October workshop for social workers has been announced by the UW-Milwaukee Division of Professional and Continuing Education with support from UW Extended Campus”

“4H managers from throughout the Midwest have been invited to a University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension conference November 8-9.”

“The program is offered by UW-Whitewater in cooperation with UW Extended Campus.”

“The program is offered through a partnership between UW-Oshkosh and [statewide outreach entity].”


UW statewide outreach and public service is essential to the UW System – it is at the very foundation of the Wisconsin Idea. It is crucial to continued public and fiscal support for all UW institutions. Thus, it is vital that an identity for UW statewide outreach and public service is maintained and strengthened throughout the state. In Wisconsin, statewide outreach and public service is implemented through partnership; consistent public recognition of all partners’ roles in UW statewide outreach and public service will enhance public perceptions of a unified, coordinated, Systemwide effort in which each university and center performs a unique and important role.