
Original Issuance Date: Unknown 

Last Revision Date:  March 11, 2024


1. Policy Purpose 

The policy specifies the role of UW System Administration (UWSA) and members of the Board of Regents in regional accreditation reviews. The policy also clarifies the responsibility of the UW universities to keep UWSA informed about all visits, reports, and results of Higher Learning Commission actions related to the institution. 

2. Responsible UW System Officer 

Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs 

3. Scope 

This policy applies to UW System Administration and all UW universities. 

4. Background 

The policy aligns UW System practices and procedures to Higher Learning Commission expectations and UW Board of Regents policies. 

5. Definitions 

Higher Learning Commission (HLC): HLC is a regional accreditor that accredits colleges and universities in a 19-state region of the United States, including Wisconsin. 

6. Policy Statement 

The best interests of the UW universities and the UW System will be served by relevant involvement of UW System Administration (UWSA) and members of the Board of Regents in major accreditation reviews. Every effort should be made to maintain communication and engagement between UWSA and each UW university during an accreditation review. Each UW university will provide accreditation schedules, reports, and accreditation updates to UWSA in a timely manner. 

7. Related Documents 

Regent Policy Document 4-5, Accreditation and Assessment of Student Learning 

UW System Administrative Procedure 175.A, Accreditation Visits and Reports 

8. Policy History 

Revision 3:  March 11, 2024 

Revision 2: January 15, 2020 

Revision 1: June 3, 1997 

First approved: Unknown 

9. Scheduled Review  

March 2029