
This policy applies to all University of Wisconsin (UW) System institutions as they manage their relationship and transactions with primary fundraising foundations and associated affiliated organizations.

Primary fundraising foundations include any entity subject to Regent Policy 21-9, “Institutional Relationships with Foundations”. Associated affiliated organizations are entities subject to Regent Policy 21-10, “Institutional Relationships with Associated Affiliated Organizations”.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure relationships between UW institutions and their primary foundations and associated affiliated organizations are productive, efficient and beneficial to the UW System and its institutions.

Policy Statement

The Board of Regents recognizes the tangible and intangible value, such as financial support and external relationships, that primary fundraising foundations and associated affiliated organizations bring to the UW System and UW institutions.

The University may make state resources, such as administrative support, available to a primary fundraising foundation or associated affiliated organization in exchange for specific related services or other forms of consideration that the foundation or organization might provide. Administrative support includes personnel, dedicated space within UW facilities, or other monetary or material resources. It does not include occasional, non-dedicated use of UW space.

On an annual basis, the UW System or institution shall provide an accounting of administrative support provided to a primary fundraising foundation. The UW System or institution shall also provide an accounting of administrative support provided to an associated affiliated organization, when the total administrative support provided is valued at $100,000 or greater. If the total administrative support does not exceed $100,000, an accounting must be provided for each associated affiliated organization at least once every five years.

The accounting shall include a comparison of administrative support provided to and benefits received from the primary fundraising foundation or associated affiliated organization, in a format developed by and submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Administration by March 31st following the end of a fiscal year.

Acknowledging the intangible benefits that may be provided by a primary fundraising foundation or associated affiliated organization, the Board of Regents recognizes that a formulaic evaluation of the submitted cost-benefit reports does not capture the full value of these relationships. Therefore, upon submission of each cost-benefit report, UW institutions and UW System Administration must holistically evaluate the primary fundraising foundation or associated affiliated organization and determine the appropriateness of continuing its relationship with that entity. This evaluation should consider but is not limited to the length of time a foundation or associated affiliated organization has been in existence, the potential growth of an entity, the funds historically provided to the UW institution, and the intangible benefits provided.

UW System Administration will annually provide a summary of reported administrative support and benefits received to the Board of Regents.

Oversight, Roles, and Responsibilities

The UW System President is responsible for developing any policies or procedures necessary to implement this Regent Policy Document. UW chancellors are responsible for complying with the provisions of this Regent Policy Document and all subsequent policies and procedures developed by System Administration. Further, as part of each cost-benefit report, UW chancellors or designees must attest to in writing the decision to continue each relationship with a primary fundraising foundation or associated affiliated organization after any required evaluation.

Related Regent Policies and Applicable Laws

  • Regent Policy Document 21-9, Institutional Relationships with Foundations
  • Regent Policy Document 21-10, Institutional Relationships with Associated Affiliated Organizations



Res. 11509, adopted 10/08/2020, created Regent Policy Document 21-11. Technical correction made on 03/02/2023, as authorized by Res. 10835 (adopted 3/9/2017).