The UW System Board of Regents Freshman Admissions Policy provides for a comprehensive, individualized review of applicants. It enables each UW System institution to admit students whose academic preparation, background, and personal experience suggest that they will succeed at the campus, benefit from the educational experience, and contribute to the educational environment.
Academic factors are of primary consideration in the review of freshman applicants for admission. Transcripts and other educational documents identify the rigor and quality of college preparatory coursework completed, rank in class, grade point average, ACT/SAT test scores, and trends in grades. Secondary factors considered in the admission process may include, but are not limited to, leadership qualities, community service, special talent, status as a Veteran of the U.S. military, adult student status, socioeconomic disadvantage, and/or applicants from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups.
Applicants applying for admission to a University of Wisconsin institution must submit the University of Wisconsin System Application, official high school transcripts, ACT/SAT test scores (some institutions require test scores directly from the testing agency), and the application fee or request for a waiver of the application fee. Applications are not evaluated for admission until all required documents have been received. Application priority dates and deadlines are established by each UW institution.
UW System institution admission guidelines range from highly competitive admission standards to institutions of access. Visit the UW HELP website for detailed freshman admission guidelines for each UW institution.
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