Wisconsin Statute & Administrative Code
- Section 36.27 – Tuition [for Residents and Nonresidents]
- Chapter UWS 20 – Nonresident Tuition Determination Procedures and Appeals Federal Statutes
In-State Tuition for Military-Affiliated Students
Under Federal law, eligible active duty military members of the armed forces or veterans of the armed forces, as well as eligible family members, may be able to pay tuition at the resident rate. Students who qualify for in-state tuition under federal law but who do not meet the eligibility criteria for resident for tuition status under Wisconsin law will be charged resident tuition while their formal residence classification will be non-resident. In addition, non-resident student veterans and other students using federal VA (Veterans Administration) educational benefits are generally eligible to pay tuition at resident rates while their formal residence classification remains non-resident. For more information about eligibility for in-state tuition through military affiliation, please contact your campus Veterans Services staff.
- 20 U.S.C. 1015d – In-State Tuition Rates for Members of the Armed Forces on Active Duty, Spouses, and Dependent Children Other Guidelines
- Guidelines for implementing the HEOA (20 U.S.C. §1015d) providing in-state tuition to certain members of the Armed Forces and their families.
- H.R. 7105: Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020—Section 1005: Requirements for in-state tuition (effective Aug. 1, 2021)