When students apply for admission, resident status for tuition purposes is also determined. Students are classified as resident or nonresident for tuition purposes. Decisions are made based on standards established in Wisconsin Statutes 36.27 (2), which govern resident status for tuition purposes. These standards differ from those used to determine residency for voting, paying taxes, and other purposes. Therefore, it is important that applicants to the University understand the Wisconsin statute governing resident status for tuition purposes and how it may apply to individual applicants.
Determining Residency for Tuition Purposes
Learn what it means to be a bona fide Wisconsin resident and the process for determining whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition.
Residency Exceptions
Find out if you qualify for an exception to the requirement of being a bona fide Wisconsin resident for the 12 months prior to enrollment.
Nonresident Tuition Programs
Information about the Minnesota/Wisconsin Tuition Reciprocity program, Return to Wisconsin, Midwest Student Exchange, and Tri-State Initiative.
Residency Statutes and Guidelines
Browse information about Wisconsin residency statutes as well as federal statutes for certain members of the Armed Forces and their families.
Filing an Appeal
Every institution in the UW System has an established appeal process. Learn more about the process to appeal your residency classification.
Residency Contacts
Find a contact person at each institution to answer your questions on residency.
Updated: 04/04/2024