January 17-18, 2023

Hosted by UW System Office of Compliance & Integrity

Fluno Center

Madison, WI


2023 Youth Programming And Compliance Conference Day 1 pdf

January 17, 2023

 Designed for UW System Precollege Liaisons and Policy Implementation Groups 

Learning Objectives:

  • Find out what best practices can help keep everyone safe during youth activities. How risk assessments, Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs), Occupant Emergency Plans (OEPs), and After Actions Reviews (AARs) can be used when planning for youth activities.
  • Learn what state licensing requirements mean for your campus.
  • Considerations when working with a Thirty-Party. What to keep in mind when the Third-Party is owned and operated by an employee of UW System?
Meet Your Day One Presenters pdf January 4, 2023 470.8 KiB

January 18, 2023

 Intended for individuals supporting or working in youth activities

Learning Objectives:

  • Best practices for staffing youth activities. How to recruit, hire, and train youth serving staff.
  •  Recognizing culturally responsive approaches to engage with youth and how to incorporate gender identity planning in youth activities.
  • Identify ways to mitigate risk and injury in youth activities.
  • How to safely manage and retain all the data surrounding activities.
Meet Your Day Two Presenters pdf January 4, 2023 627.2 KiB

Session Summaries

Candace Collins – Praesidium 

Child sexual abuse can happen at any time, any place, and with any population. Candace shares her wealth of knowledge from multiple youth serving industries to discuss the current trends in abuse prevention and how to make sure your policies are in the appropriate position to prevent abuse. 

Ed Lawson - UW-Madison 

Earthquakes, tornadoes, fire, and active threats are emergencies that higher ed institutions prepare for regularly, but are those practices and procedures translatable to youth populations? In this presentation, Ed will focus on adapting emergency and safety plans for youth. 

Noah Brisbin, Matt Lind, Kristina Williston - UW System General Counsel and Office of Compliance 

Whether it’s faculty and staff teaching private lessons, coach's operating camps under their LLC, a third-party vendor, or a campus sponsored event, it is important for campuses to have clear delineation of ownership. Campuses and third parties need to understand the legal and ethical requirements when working with youth activities. These topics and more will be discussed during this session.

Stephanie Sticka - Wisconsin Department of Trade and Consumer Protection 

Since 1975 the State of Wisconsin has had regulations around recreational camps in the state of Wisconsin. Over the years these regulations have changed and been expanded with the most recent proposals being sent up to the legislature this past year. In this session, Stephanie will review licensing requirements and review the most recent updates.

Starr Barbaro Sanders - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 

Starr Barbaro Sanders offers a unique perspective of third-party camps from her previous work as a police to her current role at UNC-Chapel Hill. All camps at UNC-Chapel Hill are ran by third party organizations. Starr shares her wealth of knowledge on how she has hosted camps put on by Russel Wilson to Roy Williams and been able to enforce campus policies around the protection of minors.

Sandi Maine-Delepierre and Kim Nawyn - UW-Green Bay & UW-Madison 

UW-System Policy 625 goes into effect in March of 2023. This session will focus on preparing campuses for the implementation of the policy. Sandi and Kim discuss successful early implementation practices and the challenges faced along the way. In addition, they will also discuss effective processes and stakeholders that supported the work. 

Lisanne Sison, Stacie Kroll, Angela Ryan, Paige Smith - Gallagher & UW System 

Risks is in everything we do, and the use of risk assessments allow us to anticipate risks and limit impact. In this session, campuses will utilize a new risk assessment tool created by Gallagher and UW-System Risk Management. Campuses will walk-away with a tangible tool to support them in assessing their current risks involved with serving minors on campus.

Ju’Riese Colόn - Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Center for SafeSport 

After Nassar and Sanduski the US Center for SafeSport was at the center of changing policies, processes, and procedures for youth serving organizations. Ju’Riese Colon is at the forefront of this transformation. Her keynote will focus on how culture is key in changing the way we keep youth safe on our campuses. 

Brenda Yang, Nichelle Nichols. Gail Ford - Forward Service Corporation & National Equity Project 

How many times have you heard, “We would like to get more diverse youth in our programs, but we can't seem to find or recruit them?” This panel-style session will focus on how to intentionally engage with youth of all backgrounds and offer tips and tricks to support programs in becoming more inclusive. it is important to recognize that the youth we serve are not monolithic and our recruitment strategies have to be as diverse as the populations we desire to serve.

Angela Ryan and Stacie Kroll- UW System & Gallagher 

In this session we focus on the most common risks and injuries that are reported in youth programming and go over what insurance agencies need to properly respond to an incident. 

Gail Ford, Carrie Backman, and Candace Collins - UW System & UW-Madison 

The heart of all programs lies in its staff. However, staffing is the biggest challenge when running a youth program. Many of the positions are short-term, part-time, and pay is in a lower range. How do recruit a population that has a genuine passion for changing the lives of youth and differentiate between good candidates and possible predators? How do you find a population with the flexibility to take on a short-term part-time position? When and where should I recruit for these positions? Lastly, how do I make sure the staff hire represents the diverse population of the youth that I intend to serve? If you are looking to improve your recruitment practices, this session is for you. 

Miller - Gender and Identity Specialist 

We often talk about youth protection through a lens of abuse prevention, but there are additional risks that are posed to youth in our programs. In this session, we will discuss the role of gender support planning and how intentional inclusive programming plays into keeping youth safe in our programs. Miller is an intersectional storyteller who brings a wealth of knowledge from his own lived experience. 

Katie Patten and Ryan Mackenzie - UW System & UW-Madison 

Data from youth activities is a valuable asset that can be used to support activities as well as serve as a resource for future activities. Understanding the process of actively and appropriately managing the records collected in youth activities from the creation, storing and to proper disposition. Properly Protecting records is essential in our work with minors in order to minimize the risk of financial loss, reputational harm, consumer distrust trust and more. In this session we will focus on how to properly collect, store and destroy records that involve minors.

Lauren Hasselbacher. Eric Roesler - UW -Madison & UW-Stevens Point 

In this session we will focus on identifying & training youth serving staff on appropriate responses for handling sexual harassment/sexual violence reports involving minors. This session will also go over the numerous changes to Title IX over the last couple of years and how they affect minors on campus.

Dr. Michael Ambrose, CampDoc 

Colleges and universities have adapted new processes and procedures for the youth programs run on their campuses. Dr. Michael Ambrose was a member of the American Camp Association (ACA) task-force to help create the COVID-19 Field Guide and provide recommendations to the CDC as they developed guidance documents.  In this interactive session, we’ll review best practices for communicable disease protocols, immunization policies, and incident reporting to help institutions make data-driven decisions. We’ll also review tools and technology designed to assist in the management of health forms, allergies, medications, illness/injury tracking, and more.

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