Revised: July 12, 1999

1. Background

Vendors doing business with an institution or marketing to an institution may invite institutional employees to attend “education sessions” on topics associated directly or indirectly with their products or services.

2. Policy

When an institution determines that an employe should attend a vendor-sponsored education session and the employe is in a position to approve or influence the University’s decision to award contracts, the institution (not the vendor) should pay all the necessary transportation, lodging and other separately identifiable costs associated with attendance. The cost of the facility utilized for the training and unidentifiable refreshment break and meal costs would not be considered costs associated with attendance.

3. Exceptions

This policy does not apply when the vendor’s contracted responsibilities include the cost of training institutional personnel who will operate or handle the contract item or service.

This policy does not apply to faculty, staff or students who are not in a position to approve or influence the University’s decision to award contracts and who may attend such education sessions as part of an instructional experience which is not related to the acquisition or selection of the product or service.