Universities of Wisconsin Counseling Impact Assessment Project

The Universities of Wisconsin Counseling Impact Assessment Project was established in 2010. The project seeks to track a core set of common data elements across UW university counseling centers, for the purposes of providing benchmarking data for each campus and to allow for system-level analyses of counseling utilization and impact. Incremental progress has been made each year in establishing a systematic and sustainable assessment process that both serves day-to-day clinical needs of counseling center professionals and helps them evaluate and improve upon their work. An annual report is produced which summarizes the results from data collection each academic year.

The data collection and reporting efforts are coordinated through Catalyst at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, which has a proven track record of helping organizations gather and use information to guide decision-making and contribute to meaningful change. Since the project’s inception an oversight committee of counseling center directors and professional staff have been responsible for maintaining adherence to its original goals, while also working to expand the impact of the project.

The National College Health Assessment (NCHA)

The ACHA-National College Health Assessment (NCHA) is a nationally recognized population survey that collects data about students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions in the following areas: alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use; mental health and well-being; weight, nutrition, and exercise; sexual health; and personal safety and violence. The Universities of Wisconsin have participated in the survey every three years since 2015. To learn more about NCHA, visit their website

If you are interested in learning about campus-specific results, you can view a list of the current NCHA campus contacts HERE pdf .