Phase 2 of the All In Wisconsin statewide tour will kick off on February 14 with a stop in UW-Milwaukee. The remaining campus stops will be:

  • UW-Madison- March 13
  • UW-Platteville – April 17
  • UW-Green Bay- May 21

The tour is designed to strengthen current relationships and form new collaborations with businesses and community partners around the state. The UW System’s All In Wisconsin campaign celebrates the unique value each UW university brings to Wisconsin, highlighting how students, faculty, and staff touch every corner of Wisconsin—and even have a global reach. You can read some of these stories by visiting the All In Wisconsin website.

You can also share your story about how you or someone you know is contributing to the inspiring work at our university campuses throughout Wisconsin. Use this online form to submit your story and feel free to share the link with others.