Original Issuance Date: May 29, 2019
Last Revision Date: May 29, 2019

1. Policy Purpose

This policy establishes standards related to the designation of recognition to the University of Wisconsin System Administration (UWSA) retiring employees. This policy also establishes UWSA-supported privileges and benefits afforded to recognized emeritus Regents under Regent Policy Document 20-26, Emeritus Designation.

2. Responsible UW System Officer

UW System President

3. Scope

This policy applies to UWSA employees that are retiring or scheduled to retire within the coming year that have worked for UWSA for ten years or more. It also applies to emeritus Regents as relates to the privileges and benefits described in Section 6.B.

4. Background

Regent Policy Document (RPD) 20-26, Emeritus Designation, outlines criteria for the awarding of the emeritus title to employees at each UW System institution and to members of the Board of Regents. RPD 20-26 asks each UW institution to establish criteria and procedures for granting an emeritus title to an employee consistent with the Regent policy.

Emeritus designation is usually associated with recognition in the academic environment of universities and colleges. Thus, UWSA has established this policy as an alternative means of establishing benefits to retiring employees that have provided distinguished service to UWSA.

5. Definitions

None listed.

6. Policy Statement

A. UWSA Employees

The emeritus designation shall not be used to recognize UW System Administration employees. However, UWSA will provide alternative means of recognition for retiring employees who have provided distinguished service to UWSA and the UW System more broadly. Benefits for any retiring UWSA employees shall be maintained and communicated by the UWSA Office of Human Resources.

B. Regents Emeritus Title & Privileges

Per Regent Policy Document 20-26, Emeritus Designation, members of the Board of Regents are granted emeritus status upon completion of their terms as Regents.

UWSA will not provide a Regent granted an emeritus title any salary, emolument, or special privilege that would exceed the privileges available to active UWSA employees. Exceptions to this must be approved by the UW System President. Any privilege received by a Regent emeritus is subject to the same policies, procedures, and responsibilities governing the privilege that apply to UWSA employees. The Office of the Board of Regents will maintain a list of privileges to be offered to emeritus Regents.

7. Related Documents

Regent Policy Document 20-26, Emeritus Designation
UWSA Benefits
1000 Series: Information Security
1100 Series: Information Technology

8. Policy History

First approved: May 29, 2019

9. Scheduled Review

May 2024