Original Issuance Date: December 17, 1980 

Last Revision Date:  June 30, 2023

1. Policy Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to ensure all University of Wisconsin System employees participate in the direct deposit program (ACH) for their payroll payments. 

2. Responsible UW System Officer 

Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer 

3. Scope and Institutional Responsibilities 

This policy applies to all University of Wisconsin System employees. 

4. Background 

This policy outlines methods and timing of payroll payments to UW System employees. To assure that all employees receive equal treatment, the following UW System administrative policy is established. 

5. Definitions 

None listed. 

6. Policy Statement 

The University directs that all employees participate in an electronic deposit program (ACH) for their payroll payments. For those few employees who are not able to establish a banking relationship, the University will seek to establish a banking relationship (such as a Debit Account) on behalf of the employee that will accept direct deposit transmissions. Automatic deposit of employee wages directly into their bank account streamlines payroll operations, increases productivity, and provides many benefits to the employee. It is a free of charge service that offers a fast, dependable, and safe method for university employees to receive their payroll payments. It eliminates the possibility of a lost or stolen check and the implementation of the Human Resources Information Services (HRIS) system allows employees to direct portions of their payroll payments to multiple financial institutions. 

A. Electronic Payroll Settlement Date and Date of Payroll Payments 

The settlement date of the electronic direct deposits must be the same date as the date of the payroll payments, as published in the annual biweekly pay schedule. When the normal payday falls on the Federal Reserve holiday, the settlement date shall be the previous non-Federal Reserve holiday date. 

 B. Distribution of Exception Payroll Checks 

In the rare case where a paper payroll check is processed, such checks must not be distributed to payees earlier than the official payment date for that particular payroll. Limited exceptions to this restriction may be granted by the institutional payroll office to individual employees who are involved in some unique circumstances. Second shift employees are permitted to receive their checks on the preceding work day, at a time no earlier than the completion of their work shift that day. 

Financial institutions that receive paper payroll checks are instructed not to negotiate the checks prior to the date appearing on the check.  

7. Related Documents 

None listed. 

8. Policy History 

Revision 4:  June 30, 2023

Revision 3: May 6, 2021 

Revision 2: April 21, 2004 

Revision 1: May 15, 1996 

First Approved: December 17, 1980 

9. Scheduled Review  

July 2028