GHS pictograms

This section provides general information and resources for hazardous materials and waste management, hazardous materials transportation and information on specific hazardous materials and substances commonly encountered at UW System campuses.

Specific hazardous materials topics addressed include: alcohol – specially denatured spirits, chemical storage compatibility, compressed gas cylinders, DEA controlled substances, flammable and combustible liquids, mercury, particularly hazardous substances and radioactive materials. Information on hazardous waste generator categories, universal waste, waste determinations, manifesting and minimization can be found on the hazardous waste management page.

Please select a topic from the menu at left or use the search feature at the upper right of the page to find keywords. Contact the UWSA Office of Risk Management with questions or comments.



This publication was prepared for environmental, health and safety staff at University of Wisconsin System campuses, to assist in finding resources and information for regulatory compliance. It is not intended to render legal advice.

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