Universities of Wisconsin faculty and academic staff are recognized locally, nationally, and internationally for their talent. Teaching, research, and service activities are critical components of their work on behalf of UW universities. Some faculty spend more time in the classroom, while others are more focused on research and applied agricultural research which brings millions of dollars to our state’s economy each year.

Searchable Database

Appointments of approximately 80 individual Extension faculty and academic staff are provided in the searchable table below in accordance with state law (Wis. Stats. §36.115).

Extension faculty and academic staff provide expertise on a wide range of topics related to agriculture and natural resources. Their highly technical research is peer reviewed by scientists around the globe and used by farmers in Wisconsin every day.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Teaching farmers at association sponsored summer and winter meetings
  • Conducting mini-clinics on farms
  • Preparing lectures and discussions
  • Teaching graduate students
  • Community service
  • Governance responsibilities, including department chair responsibilities or other administrative duties and assignments

Each UW university has a unique mission within the Universities of Wisconsin. Extension specialists are appointed at the University of Wisconsin−Platteville, the University of Wisconsin−River Falls, the University of Wisconsin−Stevens Point and the University of Wisconsin−Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Appointments are fully or partially funded through the division of extension at the University of Wisconsin−Madison in the field of applied agricultural research.

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Technical Notes