UW System Administration continues to discourage the use of 12/15 passenger vans. However, if it is necessary for an employee or student to use a 12/15 passenger van when all other options have been exhausted, it is imperative that the 12/15 passenger van requirements are communicated to your campus community and adhered to. All requirements apply to both fleet and business rental of 12/15 passenger vans. Any exemption request must be reviewed by campus risk management.


The requirements for 12/15 passenger van use are outlined in the UW System Administrative Policy 615: Vehicle Use and Driver Authorization:

Driver Authorization is required for any individual requesting to drive a State or University 12/15 passenger van. Additionally, individuals must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Twenty-five (25) years of age or older*,
  • Completion of a van training program which meets the standards established by the Department of Administration/Bureau of State Risk Management. Authorization and proof of certification as a van driver must be received by the UW System institution’s risk manager, or delegated party, prior to using the van,
  • Abstinence from the use of drugs or alcohol, and
  • Absolutely nothing is to be towed by or attached to 12/15 passenger vans.
  • Rental of a 12/15 passenger van will require individuals to demonstrate proof of van driver certification at the time of rental. A university issued wallet card certification will be the only acceptable proof of certification, and
    * Institutions may forego the age restriction if a van is permanently converted to a cargo-only vehicle (restricted to one driver and one passenger).


Each institution is responsible for scheduling and arranging trainings for their campus and ensuring training meets the standards established by the Department of Administration.  A few 12/15 passenger van training options are listed below. Please note that these are subject to change at anytime.

  • Fox Valley Technical College
    • Requirement of a minimum of four students and maximum of six students per course
    • Training Location: Fox Valley Technical College: Appleton, WI
    • Contact information: Richard Juckem, richard.juckem3384@fvtc.edu
  • Chippewa Valley Technical College
  • Anderson 360
    • Classroom and hands on training

Updated August 30, 2024