Canvas: Discussions

Learn how to best use Discussions in your Canvas courses.

Canvas: Increasing Engagement

Learn strategies to increase opportunities for your students to interact, learn, and connect in your courses.

Canvas: Assignments

Learn the ins and outs of the Assignments tool in Canvas. We'll tackle the basics of assignment creation and then move on to more advanced features such as creating assignment groups, weighted grading, and using the Rich Content Editor.

Canvas: Quizzes

New Quizzes vs. Classic Quizzes in Canvas - do you know which one to select for your situation? We'll compare the features and benefits from each and then demonstrate how to use them both. Get all your quiz creation questions answered here!

ZOOM for Instructors

Virtual, Via Zoom

Zoom leads this 60-minute. live, "how to" session designed for UW System instructors.  If you are a member of the UW System community, please register for this session to receive a calendar invitation.  This session will be recorded for later viewing. Agenda: - Zoom Web Portal - Scheduling a Meeting in Canvas - Zoom Desktop [...]


ZOOM: Open Questions & Answers 1

Virtual, Via Zoom

Zoom leads this 60-minute. live, open question and answer session to help you get the most out of Zoom.  If you are a member of the UW System community, please register for this session to receive a calendar invitation.  This session will be recorded for later viewing.


ZOOM: Open Questions & Answers 2

Virtual, Via Zoom

Zoom leads this 60-minute. live, open question and answer session to help you get the most out of Zoom.  If you are a member of the UW System community, please register for this session to receive a calendar invitation.  This session will be recorded for later viewing.


ZOOM: Introduction to Webinars Session 1

Virtual, Via Zoom

Zoom leads this 60-minute, live, session on Zoom webinars.  If you are a member of the UW System community, please register for this session to receive a calendar invitation.  This session will be recorded for later viewing.


KAMP: Increasing Teaching Presence with Video — Why, When, and How? (Kaltura)

Teaching presence is an indispensable element that interacts with social and cognitive presence in a Community of Inquiry (CoI) to create deep and meaningful learning experiences. Join this workshop led by Christian Broderick, Senior Solutions Engineer at Kaltura to learn why, when, and how to use videos to increase teaching presence in an online class [...]


ZOOM: Introduction to Webinars Session 2

Virtual, Via Zoom

Zoom leads this 60-minute, live, session on Zoom webinars.  If you are a member of the UW System community, please register for this session to receive a calendar invitation.  This session will be recorded for later viewing.