UDOIT: Instructor Training

The Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) is new to the University of Wisconsin System Canvas installation. UDOIT enables instructors to identify and quickly resolve accessibility issues in Canvas courses. The tool will scan a course, generate a report, and provide resources on how to address common accessibility issues. Learn how to use the [...]

Canvas: Course Design

Course Design Considerations highlights the best practices in Canvas for creating student-centered course spaces that can be easily navigated from a browser or a mobile device. We’ll discuss strategies such as chunking content into small bursts of learning, best practices for building native content and provide participants with tips for leveraging enhanced tool sets in [...]

Canvas: Discussions

Learn how to best use Discussions in your Canvas courses.

Canvas: Increasing Engagement

Learn strategies to increase opportunities for your students to interact, learn, and connect in your courses.

Canvas: Assignments

Learn the ins and outs of the Assignments tool in Canvas. We'll tackle the basics of assignment creation and then move on to more advanced features such as creating assignment groups, weighted grading, and using the Rich Content Editor.

Blended Learning Q&A Webinar

It is three months into the fall term - how are you doing with blended learning? Do you have a question? Looking for inspiration? Need new ideas? Join us on November 5th, as Jared Stein, VP of Higher Education Strategy for Instructure, participates in a live Q&A session about Blended Learning. During this webinar we [...]

Canvas: Quizzes

New Quizzes vs. Classic Quizzes in Canvas - do you know which one to select for your situation? We'll compare the features and benefits from each and then demonstrate how to use them both. Get all your quiz creation questions answered here!

KAMP: Using Kaltura Capture to Easily Create Engaging Classroom Videos (Kaltura)

Learn how to use Kaltura Personal Capture to easily create videos combined with rich media to enhance online, hybrid, or flipped course environments. Faculty and Instructional Designers will discover how this tool combines an intuitive interface with a user-centric experience and interactive viewing to enable easy personal video creation. Pedagogical importance in design will also [...]

KAMP: Using Video in the Fully Online Environment for Improved Personalization and Student Engagement (Kaltura)

Faculty and instructional designers will come to understand and use Kaltura video in the online course environment. This session will provide ideas on how video can improve online course design for video lectures, discussions, quizzes, assignments and best practices for delivering videos as well as pedagogical best practices. This session is part of the Kaltura [...]

KAMP: Creating Interactive Video Opportunities That Provide Active Learning (Kaltura)

Faculty and instructional designers will explore ways they can better engage students with video and how this active learning improves student engagement and ultimately student learning outcomes. This session is part of the Kaltura Academic Media & Pedagogy (KAMP) – Masterclasses for Higher Education. Kaltura Academic Media & Pedagogy (KAMP) is a free masterclass series [...]