SYS 1275, Recruitment Policies was distributed to campuses for review in September 2023. In lieu of listing institutional comments and UWSA’s responses in the associated summary document, UWSA has created this page due to the high volume of comments we received

For additional questions or clarification on this policy, please contact Mike Kent at

SYS 1275, Recruitment Policies

Suggestion 1: Commenter requested indicating that student employees are not covered by the policy.

  • Resolution 1: No change, policy already limits applicability to Faculty, Academic Staff, University staff and Limited Appointees.

Suggestion 2: Commenter requested addition of veterans and individuals with disabilities be added to EEO an AA definition.

  • Resolution 2: Change made.

Suggestion 3: Commenter requested adding the qualifier “inclusive” to the term position descriptions in section 6.

  • Resolution 3: Change made.

Suggestion 4: Commenter requested adding marital status and military status to protected classes in non-discrimination language.

  • Resolution 4: Added marital status and veteran status.

Suggestion 5: Commenter questioned requirement that confidentiality request be made “in writing” when current practice allows applicants to request confidentiality in on-line application.

  • Resolution 5: No change. On-line form meets the legal definition of “in writing”.

Suggestion 6: UW-Madison raised concern regarding requirement to consult with legal counsel over any background check “hit”.

  • Resolution 6: No change. Proposed language only requires consultation with legal counsel when appropriate.

Suggestion 7: UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee raised concerns about definition of misconduct being overly broad.

  • Resolution 7: Updated language to include definition of misconduct highly comparable to Ohio State’s language (peer institution).

Suggestion 8: UW-Milwaukee requested provisions for applicants to be able to respond to disclosure of adverse information.

  • Resolution 8: Language added in new policy section guaranteeing candidate’s right to comment and offer mitigation for any adverse information.

Suggestion 9: UW-Madison raised a concern that our definition of misconduct differed from the statutory definition.

  • Resolution 9: No change.  Only statutory definition of misconduct applicable to UWS governs applicability of expediated termination procedure, not intended as a comprehensive definition of misconduct.