Definitions of Part-of-Load/Ad Hoc/Overload Appointments and their Applications for Use with Section 6.3. Relative to Arrangements for Staffing Off-Campus Credit Course

Part-of-Load:  Services, on-campus or off-campus, during the academic year or summer,  provided by faculty as part of their regular appointment and their salaries paid out of the institution’s regular instructional budget.  Such faculty or staff may be part-time employees of the University as adjunct faculty or Lecturers.  The regular appointments may include a sharing of the individual’s services by two or more institutions.  This part-of-load instruction should be reported by the University or College in the CDR.

Purchase of load appointments are treated like part-of-load appointments in dealing with the provisions under 6.e. that not more than one-third of the off-campus courses be provided through overload or ad hoc arrangements.  These types of appointments are those in which off-campus credit instruction is provided through UW- Extension funds administered by a University or College.  This purchase-of-load instruction should not be reported by the University or Colleges but through the UW- Extension CDR.

Faculty appointments funded by UW-Extension are treated like part-of-load appointments in dealing with the provisions in 6.e. that not more than one-third of the off- campus courses be provided through overload or ad hoc arrangements.  These types of appointments are campus-based faculty members who have appointments supported by UW-Extension funds and who are teaching off-campus credit courses.  These appointments include appointments of University or College faculty members who are not, at the time of appointment holding appointments at the University or College (e.g., during the summer period).  Faculty instruction funded by UW-Extension should not be reported by a University or College in the CDR.

Overload:  Services provided by faculty on full-time UW System appointments who are being paid additional sums by an institution of the UW-System for services in addition to regular assignments during their period of appointment.  This overload instruction should be reported in the CDR by the institution that provides the funding for the overload payment. Credits generated through UW-Extension/institution interinstitutional agreements should be reported in the UW-Extension CDR.  Approval and reporting procedures noted in  other sections of UW System Administrative Policy 165 (SYS 165),  Academic Year Definition And Assorted Derivatives are applicable.

Ad Hoc:  Temporary appointments to persons employed to meet a particular assignment who are not members of the institutional faculty, its teaching academic staff (such as Lecturers), or its graduate assistants, and are paid for by UW-Extension Funds.  This ad hoc instruction would not be reported by the University or Colleges in the CDR.  (Individuals may also be appointed by institutions as part-time faculty or teaching academic staff, e.g., lecturer, adjunct professor, for on-campus teaching and paid out of the regular instructional budget as described under Part-of Load above.  Such individuals should not be considered as ad hoc personnel for the purposes of this definition.  This instruction should be reported by the University or College in the CDR.

Provisions for Part-Time Teaching Staff:

(either on Part-of-Load or Ad Hoc appointments as defined above for Section 6.e. of SYS 165, Academic Year Definition and Assorted Derivatives)

The System’s policy is that the quality of an institution’s instructional program is more effectively assured if offered by regular full-time faculty.  However, in certain instances, unusually well qualified persons may be obtained on a part-time basis who would not be available full-time. Institutions are, therefore, encouraged to take appropriate steps to insure that the part-time teaching staff are involved in regular departmental activities related to program development and evaluation through special provisions for participation in departmental activities and appropriate professional relationships with other members of the department.  When appropriately provided for, part-time teaching staff can become an integral part of a department’s instructional program.

It is generally undesirable for an institution to employ as part-time teaching staff individuals who are in any way administratively responsible for the students they are teaching (e.g., school administrative staff teaching teachers in their own school district.