Dear Wisconsin state lawmakers:

Public support for the Universities of Wisconsin ranks 43rd out of 50 states. To build the talent pipeline that Wisconsin counts on for its economic vibrancy, we urge you to increase funding for our public universities to ensure that they remain competitive.

By comparison, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Minnesota are all in the top 10 nationally in state funding for their respective public universities, and Wisconsin is falling behind. The Universities of Wisconsin are important assets for all of us in the state, and Wisconsin’s economic success is directly correlated to the investments we make in the UWs. Funding at the level of 43rd in the nation is insufficient to support and grow the business community. Wisconsin can and should do better.


I support investment in the Universities of Wisconsin:

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Upon your signing this letter, we will add your name to the list of Wisconsin leaders who support investment in the Universities of Wisconsin. The letter and list of signatories will be shared with Wisconsin state lawmakers.


Thank you,

Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman