Open Educational Resources

Student Researching

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are educational materials that have free and perpetual permissions, meaning that instructors can retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute them without fear of violating copyright permissions. OER can include textbooks, streaming videos, software, courses, recordings, or many other tools and techniques used for instruction. The Universities of Wisconsin promote and support the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) across all UW universities through consortia memberships, professional development, individual stipends, and by supporting campus level initiatives.

Opportunities to Engage


Community of Practice & Working Groups

The Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of campus OER advocates who meet throughout the year. CoP members also participate in working groups to advance the UWs system-wide OER initiative.

Working Groups include:

  • Professional Development
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Publishing & Pressbooks
  • Incentive Programs
  • Data & Assessment
Open Educational Network (OEN)

The Open Educational Network (OEN) is a national community that supports campus-level and system-wide open education initiatives. They provide Professional Development through ongoing webinars and monthly networking opportunities in addition to the annual Engage! Virtual conference. OEN also houses a library of over 1500 open textbooks that are highly reviewed by the open education community.

Connect with your campus

UW-Eau Claire
UW-Green Bay
UW-La Crosse
UW-River Falls
UW-Stevens Point

To learn more, connect with a campus, or join a working group, contact us at:


Pressbook is one of the leading open textbook publishing platforms. Its integration in Canvas makes adoption of any Pressbooks open textbook seamless. The Universities of Wisconsin institutional membership allows faculty, instructors, and staff from any UW university access to the platform for adapting & creating open textbooks.

Explore the Universities of Wisconsin Pressbooks site where you can find webinars to learn how to use Pressbooks, resources on open textbook adoption, adaptation, or creation, more information about UW university utilization of the platform, view UW textbooks in the catalog, and submit a Pressbooks interest form to request access to a Pressbook textbook shell.

Get involved

Interested in Adopting an OER in your course?
Interested in Mixing Up Some OER Content to Create Something for Your Course? 
Interested in Authoring an OER?