If you’re a UW Colleges or UW Extension employee transitioning to another institution as of July 1,  please see the information about your Concur (online travel booking website) login and password.

  • If your receiving institution is Eau Claire, Green Bay, or UW System Administration, please continue to login with your current email address and password. These institutions will begin or continue to assign new emails in mid-July or August.  Additional information will be provided to you at a later time once all remaining institutions email address changes are complete and a date is set to update login email addresses.
  • All other receiving institutions, including some travelers from Madison, have assigned new email addresses. Please use your new email as your login for Concur as of July 1, 2019. Your password remains the same.

If you receive a login error, after trying both your old and new email address, please contact your receiving Institution Travel Manger or Concurs online support at UWOnline@gofox.com.