UW System Reports

Annual Reports on Sexual Assault and Harassment

Each year, the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents provides a report to the State Legislature about efforts to educate UW students and others about sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Campus Clery Report

Under federal law, institutions of higher education are required to report campus crime data, information for victims, and policies and procedures in an Annual Security Report.

Task Force Report

The Report and recommendations of the UW System Task Force on Sexual Violence were presented to President Ray Cross in December 2016.

Wisconsin Sexual Assault Statistics

Campus Contacts

Link to help, information, and resources on your UW campus.


Most sexual assault survivors know or knew their perpetrator.

Although every survivor’s experience is unique, the majority of rape and sexual assault survivors knew their perpetrator before the act took place. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, the victim knew their assailant in 8 out of every 10 cases.  A 2015 study of 27 universities (and over 15,000 respondents) in the United States found that victims most frequently indicated that the offender was a friend or acquaintance (54.4% of victims who responded to the survey indicated that the offender is/was a “friend” or “acquaintance”). This data challenges the stereotype that rapes are committed by strangers. In truth, in the vast majority of cases, the victim and perpetrator know or knew one another. 

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