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UW System Prevention Coordinators


What's new?

On May 19, 2020 the U.S. Department of Education published new regulations governing campus sexual assault under Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination at federally funded institutions. In August UW System adopted emergency rules and interim policy changes necessary to be in compliance with the new federal Title IX regulations. These changes are temporary in nature only. The permanent rules to modify Chapters UWS 4, 7, 11, and 17 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code (“Procedures for Dismissal,” “Dismissal of Faculty in Special Cases,” “Dismissal of Academic Staff for Cause,” and “Nonacademic Student Misconduct”) to comply with the new federal regulations related to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requiring that all educational institutions that receive federal funds eliminate sex discrimination in their education programs and activities were submitted to the Governor’s Office and Legislature following the Board of Regents approval on December 10, 2020. Permanent rules will likely take effect in early 2021. 

For additional information, please visit UW System Compliance and Integrity, Title IX

“It is our ongoing commitment to help ensure that our campus communities are safe and welcoming places to live, work and learn. It is one of our top priorities, and it is not an area for compromise.”

Ray Cross, President, UW System

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UW System Task Force on Sexual Violence & Harassment

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